Ravi was weak inMathematics.He always scored low marks in the subject. Many students in his class also feared Mathematics. Suresh was the only student who always did well in Mathematics.Ravi was jealous of him.
                                  One day a Mathematics problem confused Rave tried his best to solve it.But he couldn’t. He saw Suresh  sitting alone at a distance.Forgetting all his dislike for him,he went to Suresh with the problem. Suresh helped him solve the problem.

  Ravi had a new idea.He called all his friends,sat with Suresh and started to study Mathematics.

Mathematics became very interesting.The Mathematics teacher was surprised to see the change in them.He was very happy.
  Ravi also brought his friends together.Working together   means  a given work.
When the work is shared,it is easily done.
Each one puts in his share.As a result,the work is done easily.
 To work together,a plan is need to others.Every  one should feel free to share ideas.When things go wrong,without arguing  and blaming one another,take a proper view of the situation.Take steps to correct them.
harmony,nothing becomes difficult for us.Let us work together for a better life.        